Curriculum Vitae

Certificazione Dlgs 81/08

(Rischio Medio)


Corso di FORMAZIONE per LAVORATORI ai sensi deLL' art.37 comma 2 del D.lgs 81/08 come disciplinato dall'accordo Stato regioni del 21 dicembre 2011 r- repertorio 221/CS, organizzato dall'Associazione di Professionisti e delle Maestranze in Lombardia.


Corsi formazione


Corso formazione Covid, DPI e applicazione protocollo di settore 2021

Corso Antincendio rischio basso 2021

Corso lavori in Quota 2021

Curriculum vitae      


Qualification: Grip.                                                                            


My name is Danilo, i am born in Milan on the 26-04-1961, at the age of 16 years old I began my work run as an assistant of study in a cine-photographic study in Milan.

From 1982 I began working as a free cinema engineer.

In the meantime, in the period that goes from 1983 to 1985 , I have collaborated at full time as an engineer of scene, builder, propman and responsible of theater for an important production company in Milano.In those years the specialization of builder and propman existed only in films, and therefore the engineer had toknow a bit of everything, it is only a few years that the professions have been differentiated.

My work baggage and my experience space from beyond 33 years in quite a lot of sectors of the visual communication and precisely:

From 1982 today I have participated to the realization of beyond a thousand of publicity film , documentary, programs tv, etc.etc..........   Like

key grip, that like best boy grip or grip.


1990 Family expres -  prod. Hayek film Zurigo (CH) regia G.N.Hayek      Grip

1991 Conto ogni volontà - prod. M-film regia P.Passalacqua                        Grip

1991 La Bionda - prod. Fandango regia S.Rubini                                          Grip

1992 Quattro bravi ragazzi -  prod. Tao Due regia C.Camarca                 Grip

1993 Articolo 2 - prod.Sire-Bambù regia M.Zaccaro                                  Grip

1999 Il sogno di Leonardo - prod. Harvest  regia  M.Zanot

         film TV per la Macchina del tempo.                                                      Key  Grip

2004 "The Thief Lord"

           prod.Comet films (NL)

                  Delux Productions S.A. (LU)

                  Fern Gully Film ltd. (GB)

                  director: Richard Claus.                                                               Best boy grip - Venice Crew


2007 Hotel Meina - prod. Titania regia Carlo Lizzani                                  Best boy grip  2° unit

2020  Funeral for a Dog  prod. Flare entertainment  GmbH - Viola Film     Gripm ADD M

2021 DER FEIND MEINES FEINDES / IL NEMICO DEL MIO NEMICO Prod. ndF Berlin GmbH – Viola Film  Grip   

2021 “ Le Otto Montagne”

            Prod. Wildside a Fremantle company (It)

                                        Pyramideproductions (fr),

                                        Rufus / Menuetto (be) e coprodotto da Vision Distribution          Macchinista


                    Festival di Cannes 2022

                                 Premio della giuria

                      David di Donatello 2023:

                                miglior film

                                miglior suono

                                migliore autore della fotografia

                                migliore sceneggiatura

                      Nastro d'argento 2023:

                                migliore sonoro in presa diretta

                                migliore attore protagonista: Luca Marinelli e Alessandro Borghi






Also I have participated as grip of I reinforce to many other films.





Artistic documentaries and architecture


Production: Alephfilm Ch

Direction: Adriano Kestenholz

Estatico Barocco:  Mention spéciale: Essai. XVIIIe Festival International du Film d'Art, Unesco, 1994.

Camesi : il teatro dei segni: The Hellenic Audiovisual Institute Award for Best Creative Documentary on Art. 1st International Festival of Film and New Media on Art of Athens - e-phos, 1998; Prime d’étude du Département fédéral de l’interieur, 1998.

Livio Vacchini : la palestra polivalente di Losone: Grand Prix de la Qualité de l'image. XXVe Festival international du film d'art et pédagogique, Unesco, 2001.

ALIAS PELLEGRINO TIBALDI -  Le due anime del cinquecento - Direction: Adriano Kestenholz

set photographic








Small Take  remember some films made





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